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The OP-1 Field Notebook

The OP-1 Field Notebook


Its a Reference Book! A Guidebook! A Notebook. Specifically written, bottom up for the Teenage Engineering OP-1 Field Sampler / Synth. Covering all things OP-1 Field, this book is everything you need as a reference to the Teenage Engineering Operator-1 Field. Step by step walkthroughs help newbie's and advanced user alike get to know how to use the OP-1 Field to its fullest. Finally its a notebook where you can make your own notes and comments in the spaces provides bringing together a comprehensive and customised guide. All for the price of a cup of coffee.


Whats New:

- All new high quality diagrams, designed bottom up for the book

- Over 250 pages of content and  note space

- Guidebook + Notebook concept. Electronic annotations on tablet or computer when using applications such as Goodnotes, Adobe Acrobat etc

- Small footprint PDF format for wider distribution and coverage of many more devices

- Bookmarks and Hyperlinked Contents

- Deeper dive and walkthrough approach

- Latest 1.5.7b OP-1 Field OS. Book Release Nov 2024 (Minor Edits) 


[Note this is a one off purchase and any major updates for new versions will require repurchase. Its why the price is so low. The book can be downloaded for 30 days, email to request new download link for original purchase version]


The OP-1 Field Notebook

SKU: 009

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